4 Electrical Safety Tips for Lawn Decorations

October is finally here! That means that the leaves are changing color, the air is crisp, and the likeliness of seeing a 25-foot-tall Snoopy in your neighbor's yard is going to be higher than ever! Whether you're someone who likes to go all-out on Halloween lawn decorations, or you just enjoy something more minimal, everyone can benefit from a few safety tips when using electricity this season. 

Not only can electrical safety protect you and your family from harm, but keep your property safe as well. Even if you aren't a huge Halloween decorator, these tips can just as easily be applied to any holiday decorations you put up in your yard, like snowmen and reindeer.

1. Staples or Zip Ties? 

Often times, some of the biggest struggles decorators face when setting up is deciding what to use to affix electrical cords and support wires to your home or lawn. One of the most common devices used here is a staple gun, inserting U shaped steel wire into a surface. The main danger that staples present is in their ability to puncture the protective coating on the electrical wire. Exposure to moisture can lead to dangerous short circuits. Zip ties are a great alternative, as they don't puncture your home's surface or the wire's protective coating and can easily be tightened to ensure nothing blows away.

 2. Check the Intended Usage

Aside from lawn inflatables, another common décor item is the use of string lights. One of the biggest misconceptions about string lights is thinking they can always be used both indoors and outdoors. Indoor string lights are never meant to be used outside, as they lack the proper coating to keep the wires safe from moisture and cold temperatures. When shopping for lights at the hardware store, be sure to check which ones you need. If you want to use them outdoors, look for their intended use on the packaging.

*TIP: Be sure to check your extension cords for their intended use location as well. 

3. Set a Time Limit 

If you are gearing up for a lawn full of ghouls and ghosts, inflatable pumpkins, and more, the best way to ensure that your energy bill doesn't frighten you at the end of the month is by giving your electrical decorations a time limit. Using a timer to control when your devices turn on and off can save you the time it takes to flip the switch, and save you from paying to run your decorations during the workday or in the middle of the night.

*TIP: Timers can vary on their intended use, so be sure to make sure you're keeping them indoors or outdoors depending on the manufacturer's requirements. 

4. Use LED Lighting 

If you follow along with H&H Electric & Security, you know that LED lightbulbs can help you conserve energy and lower you power bill in the long run, and the same rings true for light-based décor. String lights and internal lighting on decorations can typically be found with LEDs to help you save in the long run, and the range of colors is much wider when using LEDs as an added benefit! 

How We Can Help

Interested in an electrical safety check up? Looking for repairs or installation help? Call H&H Electric & Security today to learn more! 

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