Electrical Safety Tips to Know in 2023

Whether you got a new kitchen appliance, game console, or other electronic devices this past holiday season, or just need some good safety tips heading into 2023, we can all benefit from a few tips and reminders about electrical safety in the home.

Electrical hazards and damages cause thousands of deaths and injuries each year, not to mention around $1.3 billion in total property damage. As always, it's important to have an emergency plan in place in the event of a fire and sharing electrical safety tips with your loved ones can't hurt when it comes to safety and preparedness. 

Stop Overloading Circuits

When you plug in a device in your home, how much thought do you put into it? Are you overloading outlets in certain areas or rooms of your home? Well, one of the best ways to keep your home and family safe when using devices in your home is by avoiding a circuit overload.

The average circuit in your home will be rated between 15 and 20 amps, so good practice would be to get in the habit of calculating a rough estimate on how much current your lights, appliances, or devices use in order to carefully use the outlet. Generally, it's a safe practice to avoid going over an 80% load. 

Extension Cords Galore 

There are many wonderful and practical ways to use an extension cord around the home. From using powered shrub trimmers to powering a workstation in the garage or a shed, or even using them to power an entertainment system set-up, many of us find ways to get power somewhere when an outlet is too far away.

One of the biggest things that people forget about extension cords is that they are almost always intended for temporary use only. This means that you should safely unplug and properly store them away after using.

Too Much Heat 

With the advancement in kitchen appliance technology, the average home now relies on more things than just the refrigerator, stove, and oven. You may have devices such as Keurig coffee makers, Nespresso machines, air fryers, and toaster ovens on your kitchen counters, but you should be careful about how you store them. You should avoid leaving more than one heat-producing device plugged into one outlet at a time, and you can even store these devices unplugged when not in use to prevent further danger. 

Know The Signs 

Similar to the warning signs of a fire, there are a couple of indicators that you may have an electrical problem in your home or apartment. If you notice one of these things, we recommend contacting your trusted electrician right away.

  • Warm or yellowing wall outlets
  • Flickering or dimming lights
  • Fuses or breakers blow/trip too frequently
  • Rubbery, burning smell near your outlets
  • Visible sparks from an outlet 

A Qualified Electrician 

Lastly, one of the most important safety tips that homeowners should know is that when you need electrical work done, or need your home inspected, always contact a qualified electrician. It can be very dangerous when dealing with electrical repairs if you aren't sure exactly what you're doing, and you may not notice potential hazards the same way your electrician will.

If you would like to learn more about electrical safety, are in need of electrical repairs or installation assistance, contact H&H Electric today to schedule your appointment. 

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