Top Ten Energy Savers

Saving money any time is always a great plus! Now you can lower your electrical bills monthly with these simple tips: 

  1. Keep your home cooled over the summer at a temperature of 78 degrees or warmer during the day.

  2. Increase the temperature to 82 degrees during away hours.

  3. You can save an average of $7.00 per month by simply reducing your water heater temperature to 120 degrees from 140 degrees.

  4. Always make sure you remain on-top of replacing you A/C filter to ensure your unit is running efficiently.

  5. To keep your electrical bill from increasing approximately $7.00 per month, turn off ceiling fans and additional electronics when you are not in the room.

  6. By using your dishwasher more efficiently and not pre-washing your dishes, you can save up to $70.00 per year!

  7. Limit the amount of time you keep outdoor electricity running.

  8. One that is commonly forgot is to make sure you are using proper settings on your washing machine. Adjust the load size so you conserve both water and energy all at the same time. If possible, try using only cold water for your loads.

  9. Always clean the lint filter in the dryer before starting another load. This will help to dry your clothes faster.

  10. Make sure your auto-sensor is turned on on your dryer to help prevent from over dryer, which increases the electricity needed. 
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